Winter Coat Drive, February 12th – March 5th

The temperatures are freezing, and during this time of the year the homeless suffer the worst. It would be a great idea to assist our confirmation class youth in showing understanding and compassion. We are offering the opportunity to donate items for care packets for the homeless. Within the next few weeks, we will be heading out to distribute those care packages along with our confirmation class youth and a few parents. Anyone interested in donating hand warmers, one-size-fits-all gloves, portable wipes, and water please do so. We have blankets that were prepared by the Adoration Society that we will be handing out as well. There is a container/box in the Parish Hall for you to put the items in. Thank you for caring about those less fortunate. We fulfill our Lord’s command, “Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for one of these least brothers or sisters of mine, you did for me.” (Matthew 25:40)

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