Shopping Certificates

The easiest way to support our Building Fund is by purchasing weekly shopping certificates. The shopping certificates you can use also as gift cards for any occasion. The Building Fund is needed to finance any future repairs and maintenance of our facility.

Certificates are available for STOP & SHOP, A&P, PATHMARK, FOODTOWN and SHOPRITE. Every time you use one of these cards to purchase your groceries you are helping your church at no cost to you. For example, if you purchase $100 in certificates each week, The Parish receives $5 each time and in one year you will be contributing about $250 to the building fund. Please encourage other members of the Parish and friends to join in this wonderful project. If you have any questions, call Lucy Daum 973-694-9457, or Merry Sleece 973-731-3611.

Thank you for your support.

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