Special thank you

We would like to thank the St. Nicholas Ministry who donated Easter flowers for the sick and homebound of our parish. All home bound greatly appreciated the fact that they are remembered by the Holy Cross Church family. Special thanks are extended to Lucy and Richard Daum, who made arrangements to purchase flowers and delivered them to the church. We thank also Alfreda Bazanowski for sending cards to home bound, and for special occasions to our parishioners on behalf of Holy Cross Church.

Our Parish recently received a bequest of $5,000 as a beneficiary of Jean Biegel’s Last Will and Testament. Jean Begiel (96) passed away on Dec. 11, 2010. As a token of appreciation our parish remembered Jean last Sunday April 3, 2011 during both Holy Masses. We ask parishioners to remember Jean in personal thoughts and prayers. Each Friday the Holy Mass is celebrated with the intention for the benefactors of Holy Cross Church. Eternal rest, grant unto her O, Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon her. May she rest in peace. Amen.

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