Thank you for your generosity

Dear Friends – Thank you!!!

Last Sunday we concluded our food collection. We assembled eight beautiful Thanksgiving baskets (each one had $25 Gift card from Supermarkets, boxes of stuffing, plates, cans of non-perishables for a Thanksgiving Dinner) for our local residents and eight bags of non-perishable food items and two bags of clean clothes for the Fr. English Food Pantry in Paterson. All items were delivered on Tuesday, November 22nd; baskets to Memorial Middle School, Woodland Park and bags to Paterson for the needy. In each case many words of appreciation for our generosity were expressed by the nurse of the school and the workers at the Fr. English Food Pantry.

We certainly fulfilled last Sunday’s Solemnity of Christ the King by fulfilling our Lord’s command:

“Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for one of the least brothers of mine, you did for me.” — Matthew 25:40

We thank all those who brought items and gave monetary donations to purchase the gift cards. We thank our youth and their parents who wrapped the baskets last Sunday after 11 am Holy Mass. Happiness comes from sharing as expressed in the smiling faces of our youth.

Fr. Joseph and the Parish Committee.

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