School of Christian Living Awards at Holy Cross

We thank the teachers of our School of Christian Living once again for their service in the 2011-2012 academic year. The parish gave our teachers beautiful roses representing our appreciation for their time and effort on behalf of our children. The parish also gave awards to the children for their good attendance and participation (Barnes and Noble certificates).

At 11 am Holy Mass from the left: Father Joseph Cyman, Mrs. Claire Centrella, Mrs. Jamie Santos, Mrs. Natalie Lazar, students: Michael Cyman, Nayef Kiame, Melissa Betancur, Ned Kiame, Nicholas Desch, Natalie Cyman, Neil Kiame, Hailey Hagal, DavidTorres, Sarah Malenchak. Missing in the picture are Mrs. Karen Paulison, Chris Paulison, Aubrie Santos, Jessie Santos, Gabriela Rotsaert, Amber Harth.

SOCL will start classes again on Sunday, September 9th. We wish everyone a safe and enjoyable vacation. God bless you all!

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